Students can pursue a Master of Professional Studies (MPS) in Indigenous Governance through a hybrid model that offers online and on-campus classes. Here is a listing of online MPS courses.
- Native American Family and Domestic Relations Law: LAW 469/569 (3 credits)
- Native American Law & Policy: LAW 450/550A (3 credits)
- Tribal Courts Practice and Procedure: LAW 467/567 (3 credits)
- Tribal Criminal Law and Procedure: LAW 468/568 (3 credits)
- Environmental Law: LAW 454/554 (3-4 credits)
- Introduction to Human Rights Law: LAW 540A (3 credits)
- Introduction to Legal Systems: LAW 585 (2 credits)
All required courses are on campus.
- Acquisition and Financing of Mineral Projects: MNE 697G (1 credit)
- Corporate Organization and Governance in Mining: MNE 697B (1 credit)
- Governance, Risk Management and Compliance: LAW 614B (3 credits)
- Intellectual Property Law: LAW 555 (3 credits)
- International Trade Law and Policy: LAW 553A (3 credits)
- Introduction to International Commercial Transactions: LAW 544B (3 credits)
- Native American Natural Resources: LAW 643D (3 credits)
- Valuation of Mineral Assets and Projects: MNE 697F (2 credits)
- Environmental Law: LAW 554 (3-4 credits)
- Native American Natural Resources: LAW 643D (3 credits)
- Comparative Mining Law: LAW 640 (3 credits)
- The Emerging Framework for Development of Mineral Resources: MNE 697P (3 credits)
- Global Mining Tax - Law, Policy and Disclosure/Sustainability: LAW 640H (2 credits)
- International Environmental Law: LAW 696I (2-3 credits)
- International Mining Health Law and Practice: LAW 640E (1 credits)
- Introduction to International Mining Industry: LAW 640G (1 credit)
- Managing Public Lands under NEPA: LAW 698Q (2 credits)
- Public Land Law Supplement: LAW 640B (1 credit)
- Public Lands and Mining Law: LAW 640A (3 credits)
- Acquisition and Financing of Mineral Projects: MNE 697G (1 credit)
- Applied Valuation of Mineral Assets and Projects: MNE 697F (2 credits)
- Contractual and Related issues for Land Acquisition and Mineral Development: LAW 640C (3 credits)
- Corporate Organization and Governance in Mining: MNE 697B (1 credit)
- The Emerging Framework for Development of Mineral Resources: MNE 697P (3 credits)
- Environmental Law: LAW 554 (3 credits)
- Global Mining Tax – Law, Policy and Sustainability/Disclosure: LAW 640H (2 credits)
- Governance, Risk Management and Compliance: LAW 614B (3 credits)
- International and Comparative Mining Law: LAW 640 (3 credits)
- International Environmental Law for Mineral Development: LAW 696I (3 credits)
- International Mining Health and Safety Law and Practice: LAW 640E (1 credits)
- International Trade Law and Policy: LAW 553A (3 credits)
- Introduction to Human Rights Law: LAW 540A (3 credits)
- Introduction to International Commercial Transactions: LAW 544B (3 credits)
- Introduction to the International Mining Industry: LAW 640G (1 credits)
- Introduction to Legal Systems: LAW 585 (2 credits)
- Intellectual Property Law: LAW 555 (3 credits)
- Legal Overview for Public Land Users: LAW 640B (1 credit)
- Managing Public Lands under NEPA: LAW 698Q (2 credits)
- Native American Family And Domestic Relations Law: LAW 469/569 (3 credits)
- Native American Law and Policy: LAW 450/550 (3 credits)
- Native American Natural Resources: LAW 643D (3 credits)
- Tribal Courts Practice and Procedure: LAW 467/567 (3 credits)
- Tribal Criminal Law and Procedure: LAW 468/568 (3 credits)
- U.S. Public Land and Mining Law: LAW 640A (3 credits)