McCormick Society

McCormick Society


The J. Byron McCormick Society of Law and Public Affairs was founded in 1978 to honor Dr. James Byron McCormick (1895–1970), former president of the University of Arizona and dean of the College of Law. His career exemplified a life of devotion to the public affairs of his community, state and nation.

The McCormick Society was created in his honor and to perpetuate his faith in the public discussions that are the lifeblood of a healthy democracy.

Each year, the Society hosts the J. Byron McCormick Lecture on Law and Public Affairs, which brings eminent national and international experts on law and public affairs to speak on the University of Arizona campus.

Recent Events

casual portrait of Dahlia Lithwick smiling

2023–24 McCormick Lecture

Dahlia Lithwick, author, contributing editor for Newsweek, and senior editor for Slate, was the guest for the McCormick Lecture on September 14, 2023.

Presented in conversation format, Lithwick's topic "The Supreme Court: What's Next?" was moderated by Eunice Lee and Toni Massaro, Professors of Law at University of Arizona.



Paul Butler

2022–23 McCormick Lecture

Paul Butler, professor of law at Georgetown University delivered the 2023 McCormick Lecture on February 27, 2023.

Butler presented on, "Prison Abolition, and a Mule," which explored the movement to abolish prison, focusing on the consequences for racial justice and public safety.




Jill Lepore

2022–23 McCormick Lecture

Jill Lepore, affiliate professor of law and professor of American History at Harvard and staff writer at The New Yorker, delivered the 2022–23 McCormick Lecture on October 3, 2022.

The theme of Lepore's lecture was “MAKING AMENDS: Can the U.S. Constitution be Revised?”




Upcoming Events

2024–25 McCormick Lecture featuring Jamal Greene

Thursday, Feb. 27, 2025
5:30–6:30 PM MST

Registration information forthcoming.

McCormick Society Membership

The McCormick Society and its annual lecture are sustained by one-time membership fees of $500 for an individual or couple membership. Under normal conditions, members have reserved seating at the in-person McCormick Lecture and are invited to attend a no-host dinner with the speaker at the Arizona Inn that is a highlight of the year.

If you would like to join and help support this 40-year-old tradition, please contact Chris Gast, Senior Director of Student Resources, Professor of Practice, and McCormick Society Secretary/Treasurer.

Recent Lectures

ACLU Director David Cole (2020)

Professor Erwin Chemerinsky (2018)

New York Times Supreme Court correspondent Adam Liptak (2018)


Supreme Court Justice Elena Kagan (2016)



2024–25Jamal Greene, Professor of Law, Columbia Law, and Author
2023–24Dahlia Lithwick, Author, Contributing Editor, Newsweek, and Senior Editor, Slate
2022–23Paul Butler, Professor of Law, Georgetown Law Center 
2022–23Jill Lepore, Professor of American History and Affiliate Professor of Law, Harvard University
2020–21David Cole, National Legal Director, ACLU, and Professor of Law, Georgetown Law Center
2018–19Jane Mayer, staff writer, The New Yorker (re-scheduled for Spring 2021)
2017–18Erwin Chemerinsky, Dean, University of California, Berkeley School of Law
2016–17Adam Liptak, Supreme Court Correspondent, The New York Times
2015–16Elena Kagan, Associate Justice, U.S. Supreme Court
2014–15Barney Frank, U.S. House of Representatives, Massachusetts (1981–2013)
2013–14Olympia Snowe, U.S. Senator, Maine (1995–2013)
2012–13Morris Dees, Southern Poverty Law Center
2011–12Norman J. Ornstein, Resident Scholar, American Enterprise Institute for Public Policy Research
2010–11Neal Katyal, Paul and Patricia Saunders Professor of Law, Georgetown Law Center
2009–10Joe Nocera, Writer for The New York Times
2008–09George Packer, Writer for The New Yorker, and Author
2007–08Richard J. Goldstone, Justice, Constitutional Court of South Africa (Retired)
2006–07Frederick Schauer, Frank Stanton Professor of the First Amendment, Harvard Kennedy School
2005–06John L. McGoldrick, Executive Vice President and General Counsel Bristol-Meyers Squibb Company
2004–05Samantha Power, Lecturer in Public Policy, Harvard Kennedy School
2003–04David Brooks, Writer for the New York Times, Political Analyst and Author
2002–03Linda Greenhouse, Supreme Court Correspondent, The New York Times
2001–02Stephen L. Carter, William Nelson Cromwell Professor of Law, Yale Law School
2000–01George Mitchell, Chairman, International Crisis Group, Former U.S. Senator, Maine
1999–00Alan K. Simpson, Director, Institute of Politics, Harvard Kennedy School, and Former U.S. Senator, Wyoming
1998–99Derek C. Bok, National Chair, Common Cause, and Former President, Harvard University
1997–98Richard A. Posner, Chief Judge, U.S. Court of Appeals, Seventh Circuit
1996–97Geoffrey C. Hazard, Jr., Trustee Professor of Law, University of Pennsylvania Law School, and Stanley Sporkin, Judge, U.S. District Court (D.D.C.)
1995–96Warren B. Rudman, Former U.S. Senator, New Hampshire
1994–95Kathleen M. Sullivan, Professor of Law, Stanford Law School
1993–94Jack B. Weinstein, Judge, U.S. District Court (E.D. New York)
1992–93Susan Westerberg Prager, Dean, UCLA School of Law
1991–92John C. Coffee, Jr. Adolf A. Berle Professor of Law, Columbia University School of Law
1990–91Antonin Scalia, Justice, U.S. Supreme Court
1988–89Anthony Kennedy, Justice, U.S. Supreme Court
1987–88Lester Thurow, Professor of Economics, M.I.T.
1986–87Jesse Choper, Dean University of California, Berkeley School of Law
1985–86Shirley Hufstedler, Former Secretary of Education
1984–85Alan Furth, President, Southern Pacific Railroad
1983–84Rex Lee, Former U.S. Solicitor General
1982–83Griffin Bell, Former U.S. Attorney General
1981–82Edward D. Re, Judge, U.S. Court of Claims
1980–81William H. Rehnquist, Justice, U.S. Supreme Court
1979–80Joseph T. Sneed, Judge, U.S. Court of Appeals Ninth Circuit