Available student support in a time of coronavirus
We've already heard so many good stories about faculty and staff reaching out to provide support and comfort to students and each other. Thank you.
I wanted to let you know of mental health and wellness services being offered to students through the end of the semester.
Dean Jordan-Curtis is available to talk with students at any time and has worked with a number of students already. You should encourage students to contact her via phone (520-621-8602, forwarded to cell) or via email, jordancu@email.arizona.edu.
We have also arranged for no-cost confidential counseling services, as we have done during finals periods in the past, but have expanded our contracted hours.
Students may schedule advance telephone or online appointments directly with the following people:
- Dr. Annie Farnsworth (DrFarnsworth@MettaAZ.com)
- Dr. Matthew Moffitt (DrMoffitt@MettaAZ.com)
- Dr. Euodia Chua (DrChua@MettaAZ.com) (Dr. Chua is also available for students who prefer speaking in Mandarin)
- Students can also schedule advance appointments to any of them via email or by calling or texting 520-955-4064.
Finally, SBA and other groups are working on a schedule of co-curricular and social events, and will be announcing them soon. It has been great to see our students take such an active role in caring for each other.
Additional Information
Additional details and guidance from University of Arizona Law on the novel coronavirus COVID-19.