Grading policy for COL masters and SJD students
Dear COL masters and SJD students:
After careful consideration of the wide range of thoughtful comments, and discussion of the complex decision and implications of any policy choice at this time, the faculty has decided to keep the optional pass/fail system of the wider university in place for our masters and SJD students. Thank you all for your comments on this important issue, and your patience as we deliberated.
The COVID-19 crisis has impacted all of our students in varied and significant ways. In making this decision, the faculty recognized that the grading concerns of our masters and SJD students were different than our JD students. In particular, many students have scholarships from outside entities– from employers, for example – that require the classes grade on the traditional scale. In addition, the grading systems for masters and SJD degrees raise distinct issues and are differently regulated as well. These distinct issues and concerns changed the balance of equities regarding the appropriateness of a mandatory pass/ no pass system. The faculty therefore left in place the general UA policy of optional pass / fail grading for this semester.
We encourage you to contact your program advisor as you consider your options under this grading policy.
Kathie Barnes
Associate Dean of Programs and Innovation
Additional Information
Additional details and guidance from University of Arizona Law on the novel coronavirus COVID-19.