New COVID Dashboard, Student Resources

Sept. 22, 2020

Dear Colleagues, 

The message sent to students, and relevant attachments, follow this message.  While much of the content is similar, I hope it is helpful to see what we are sharing with, and asking of, students.  When the messages are identical, we only send one.  


Status for the Upcoming Week of 9/28
Remaining in Stage 1, with only “essential in-person” classes meeting on campus and all other classes and activities continuing remotely.


COVID-19 Dashboard
The university’s new COVID-19 Dashboard now displays in-depth campus testing data and is updated nightly. View results and trends of antigen and PCR testing for employees and students through Campus Health and the Test All Test Smart program.


Resources for Students
he Community Wellness, Engagement and Support working group of our COVID-19 Task Force assembled the attached list of student resources, which we shared with students today. Please feel free to share with students you encounter who need additional support. This information will also be added to the Student section of our COVID-19 response website. You may also direct students to email Dean JC for assistance.

Required Safety Training for Faculty and Staff
All University of Arizona employees, DCCs and volunteers are required to complete a 16-minute return-to-work training video, available via UAccess. Please complete the training as soon as possible.



COVID-19 Reports

  • President Robbins Campus Reentry Briefing - Sept. 21 
  • To date: 31,673 COVID-19 Tests; 2,030 Positives; 6.4% Positivity Rate
    • The positivity rate for the past 10 days is 11.1%, with a drop to 6.1% for the most recent day that data is available. The goal is to stay below 5%.
    • The compliance problems are with a minority of the student population, but violating mitigation regulations puts everyone at risk. New initiatives, from education to health services to compliance enforcement, are being implemented.
    • We have the experts, resources and plans in place to keep the university open, but moving forward requires each of us to do our part to keep each other safe.
  • COVID-19 Disease Outbreak Outlook in Arizona and Pima County - Sept.18 (attached) via Dr. Joe Gerald/UA Zuckerman College of Public Health
  • UCSF Department of Medicine Grand Rounds - Sept. 17 - In Search of a Vaccine for COVID-19: Science and Politics
    • World-renowned experts discuss vaccine development, issues related to global vaccine distribution (including issues of equity), why people do and don’t take vaccines, and what can be done to influence uptake rates.

Stay safe and Bear Down,

Marc, Bernadette, and Leah
on behalf of the Arizona Law COVID Task Force Implementation Team
Virtual Suggestion Box

Extra Info

Additional details and guidance from University of Arizona Law on the novel coronavirus COVID-19.