Immigration Law & Policy
I will never forget two extraordinary days from the immigration law clinic last year: the day our client was released from detention, and a few weeks later, when the judge granted her asylum. The feelings of pride, excitement and gratitude were unlike anything else I have experienced in law school, or even in life outside of school. The class component dovetails perfectly with the main case, so you have an opportunity to learn the nuts and bolts of an immigration case, and then immediately put them into practice. It was a truly inspiring experience that has reinforced my desire to go into immigration law.
- Molly Kincaid, class of 2013
The Bacon Immigration Law & Policy Program generates immigration policy research, expands opportunities for students to gain exposure to immigration issues, encourages the interdisciplinary engagement with immigration issues, and provides services to immigrants in Southern Arizona. The Program serves as an umbrella for all the law school's immigration-related offerings, including its Immigration Law and Workers' Rights Clinics, doctrinal courses, internships, and opportunities to undertake supervised research on immigration issues.
Arizona is an unparalleled place to research the on-the-ground effects of federal and state immigration policies. The Bacon Program offers students opportunities to become involved in policy research projects, and particularly focuses on research on the impact of immigration enforcement policies on vulnerable populations.
Our student opportunities include the Immigration Law Clinic and the Workers' Rights Clinic. These clinics allow students to serve immigration detainees and low-wage immigrant workers in Southern Arizona, under the supervision of experienced immigration law attorneys.
We conduct significant outreach in Southern Arizona, giving informational presentations and collaborating with other UA Departments and local organizations.
Arizona Law's Immigration Law Students Association (ILSA) is active on campus and in the community, annually sponsoring a naturalization ceremony for new citizens, hosting speakers and workshops, and facilitating relationships with the immigration law bar.
Current Focus Areas of Policy Research
Women in Immigration Detention Facilities
Read our report, "Unseen Prisoners: A Report on Women in Immigration Detention Facilities in Arizona," based on more than 50 interviews with detainees, attorneys and social service providers and extensive research into immigration detainee rights.
Immigrant Workers' Rights
Read our report, "Out of the Shadows," which documents the recurring hardships facing immigrant women workers and identifies concrete steps to address the recurring exploitation and abuse.
Immigration and the Child Welfare System
Read the report, "Disappearing Parents," which describes families entangled in two vast bureaucracies: the federal immigration enforcement system and the state child welfare system.
The Impact of SB 1070 on Arizona's Youth
Read a report based on more than 70 interviews, summarizing the perspectives of teachers, parents and students themselves on how young people have been impacted by the passage of this controversial state law.
Additional Information and Resources
Colleges & Departments
- Southwest Institute for Research on Women
- Center for Latin American Studies
- Mexican American Studies and Research Center
- College of Public Health
- Udall Center for Studies in Public Policy
Local and Regional Organizations
- Derechos Humanos
- Border Action Network
- Mexican Consulate, Tucson Office
- Florence Immigrant and Refugee Rights Project
- Southern Arizona Legal Aid
National Websites
- Detention Watch Network
- National Immigration Center
- Migration Policy Institute
- ACLU Immigrant Rights Project
- Women's Refugee Commission
Government Websites